PG Program


The Computer Science & Engineering offers Masters of Technology (M. Tech).  The M. Tech program is of four-semester duration. In each of the first two semesters there are four courses and practical. There will be three continuous evaluation examinations and a final semester examination for every course. Half-yearly evaluation of the project takes place at the end of the third semester. At the end of the final semester the student submits a thesis and makes a presentation about the project, which is evaluated by the Internal and External examiners. Course syllabus has been updated periodically to keep pace with the contemporary technological advancement.

M. Tech in Cyber Security:

Communication network and information systems have become an essential factor in economic, social development and almost in every facet of our daily lives. Information systems are vulnerable to one or more types of cyber-attacks. The security of communication networks and information systems and their availability in particular, is therefore of increasing concern. In general, cyber security threats are increasing rapidly, the incidents range from defaced websites to theft of large volumes of intellectual property and money, to even Internet crimes. Cyber security is now a prominent field of study. Professionals who are trained in this field are regarded highly and contribute to strengthening the social, political and financial fabric of the modern society. The domain of cyber security refers to the collection of tools, policies, security concepts, guidelines, risk management approaches, actions, training, best practices, assurance and technologies that can be used to protect the cyber environment, organization and user’s assets. To survive in an Information Centric Warfare scenario, the tools and techniques of cyber security will provide mechanisms to safeguard the critical systems against related threats & attacks.

M. Tech in CSE (Artificial Intelligence):

Artificial Intelligence (AI) based systems have become an essential factor in economic, social development and almost in every facet of our daily lives. AI, deep learning and machine learning are becoming thrust areas and prominent field of study. Professionals who are trained in this field are highly regarded and contribute to strengthening the social, political and financial fabric of modern society.

M.Sc in Defence Technology :

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